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Voter Fraud

Voter Fraud

Sounds like gamesmanship. 

In reality it is a treasonous act. 

the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

When a person or people rig election computers or software, when they vote more than once, when non-citizen votes are counted and when other specific legislation is violated in the states, these are acts of insurrection against the established government.

What they are saying is that their opinion or desires means more than other’s choices.  Years of trying to form a ‘more perfect union’ becomes an illegal overthrow of our nation, that which the people have chosen and preserved.

For those who participate in this fraud, the worst part is this too is an act of sin against God Himself.  You have stolen and have borne false witness, two of the Ten Commandments.

You are going to hell unless you repent, confess this sin and (like all of us), believe and worship Jesus Christ.  Do you really think it is ok?

Why do you think your choice is better than someone else’s choice?  Do you really think you are of greater intelligence?  You will die as everyone does.  Judgment day is next. 

If the others in our nation through legislation and votes have chosen a different approach than you, falsifying votes nullifying their decisions is an act of arrogance without the humility that says you could be wrong.  This is even magnified when you orchestrate many ballots.  The Bible makes it clear God also hates arrogance.

If it were only ten ballots, suppose you met the ten people who your fake votes cancelled.  Could you win a discussion with them about the issues and truth?  What about the values our soldiers fought and died for?  Is it right for you, who has the freedom we have in America because of these soldiers, to destroy what many died for?   

You are going to hell.  That is the saddest part.

Your only remedy is to repent, confess and turn to Jesus Christ or payback time is nothing less than eternity burning in hell for this and other sins you committed. 

We all have sinned and deserve hell.  Jesus Christ saves only those who repent and believe in Him as our only means of salvation.  We love Him because He first loved us.  But if you reject Him, you will perish in hell.

God Himself will not be mocked. 

Political leaders who are guilty of such sinful decisions will be accountable not only to the people but to God.  When they took their oath of office they PROMISED BEFORE GOD:

Senator Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

Do you not understand your failure to follow the clear words of the Constitution, as you promised, indicated your acceptance that you are under God’s punishment for doing this!  God will not be mocked.

You have become a domestic enemy of the United States.  Is it really worth it to have a 6 year office of power or even a more comfortable life at the cost of eternity in hell?  Why were you born? 

You are worse than those thugs who have destroyed cities.  Property isn’t just stuff.  Property represents a great deal of time people have given up of their lives to work and acquire what they feel is important for their lives.  How many business owners, many who lost everything, spent years of their lives to watch you take it away with theft and other crimes?  Of course you should be punished for this.  And, you will.

For your own sake, pray for forgiveness, confess your sin to God and those you have wronged.  Turn to Jesus Christ who will not accept an unrepentant soul or else hell becomes yours forever. 

Praise God for His means of salvation!  You must wake up now or you will wake up where you don’t want to be.  Your choice.

Salvation must be sought.

(Acts 4:12) Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved."

It is undoubtedly intentional that the Democrat Party working with anti-American groups with very American names are working to destroy what made America the great nation it has been.  They are emboldened and committed to perpetrate chaos and evil on the rest of the people.

The press and their stoolie Democrat "leaders" chose to get ahead of the investigation and litigation to declare Biden the winner, setting ourselves up for much more civil unrest.  Once the fraud is exposed for all to see, assuming President Trump retains the presidency, their brown shirt henchmen from Antifa, BLM, etc., will do their best to destroy us.

That is one reason why we shouldn't commit election fraud.  It hurts everyone, including those who perpetrate such evil. 


When you commit voter fraud, in addition to theft and bearing false witness, you violate other sins outlined in the Ten Commandments. 

The politicians who violate their oath of office, sworn on the name of our Holy God, has used His name in vain and this will not go unpunished.  God calls Himself a “jealous” God and putting a god of winning an election ahead of Him is one of the most foolish things anyone can do, another reason (perhaps the biggest reason) God will send you to hell.

Have you kept the Sabbath day holy or worked on your crimes then?  Would your ancestors, father and mother, who have sacrificed to make our country what it is today, would they be honored by your crime?  Are you coveting (wanting to take something from someone that doesn’t belong to you) the power and office in government? 

The only commandment that likely doesn’t apply to voter fraud is committing adultery. 

Voter fraud is not innocuous.  In fact it violates many of the Ten Commandments.  Don’t you fear God and His punishment? 


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