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 Iran Jan 2020


American Christians!  Pray.

We have entered into a phase in American history that will increasingly find Christian’s as targets.   Sure, this is not the first time but for those of us in the United States, we need to look at our brothers, our sisters in other countries and past martyrs to find our way through what is coming.  We need to double down in our praying for our persecutors as well as ourselves, as things play out.

As President Trump killed Soleimani along with other bad guys, we should expect the worst but hope and pray otherwise.  American Christians will be blamed for Iran’s future responses and therefore, we will be targeted and attacked by the left. 

President Trump, likely had a lousy decision to make.  I fully believe he did what he felt was correct given the circumstances he found himself in.  It likely was the correct decision. 

Soleimani was the embodiment of evil.  He was behind decades of terrorist killings and was ramping up to do even greater things against the U.S., the ‘great Satan’. 

Instead of asking why Trump chose to make this strike, the real question is, why have previous administrations set us up for what we all could see as someday inevitable, unless we surrender to Islam.  Their attack on our embassy is an attack on our sovereign nation.  That property was the United States.  Appeasement over many years has only hardened the resolve of the Arab Mullahs who took over a country whose currently oppressed Persian populous had previously been friendly with our nation. 

Trump’s choice was to either allow more Americans and others to die soon or to risk the probability Iran’s leaders would respond with potentially many more casualties, at least in the short term.  Undoubtedly, we have contingency plans for their response.  No matter what, it will be ugly in the long run.  The Mullahs and Iranian mosques have committed to their deeply flawed, satanic religious ideology as the red flag is flown above the mosque to usher in the end times.  They believe their job is to spill our blood to ‘cleanse’ the earth of us infidels, allowing the Mahdi (their Messiah) to come.


Iran has been working to this end for years.  They don’t care so much about sanctions or secular things, they care about religious beliefs and for this reason, the war will never be over until they are completely defeated.  Trump’s choice was to continue the slow burn already in progress or to impress upon the leadership the Iranian people who hate the Mullahs to join with the U.S. to bring them to their knees.  We must pray for them.

Back to the point.  Christians in America will be blamed for Iran’s response.  Sleeper cells here put the war at our doorstep.  Trump’s  blame transfers to Christians, as many of us put him in office, making us the enemy in deceived people’s minds. 

Democrat leaders have proven to be incoherent and dangerous.  Their approach brought us to the place we are at now.   As mentioned in the Bible, they have been turned over to their sins and cannot see truth.  Their hatred of Trump and us is tearing our nation apart. Their increasing anger will continue to grow.  They are deceived by Satan, yes, Satan.  It really is that simple but without falling on their knees to the God of the Bible in repentance, they will never understand.

Romans 1:28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.

America has not found itself struggling with war in our country since the Civil War.  We do not know the pain coming our way, even if we win.  Are we ready?  Of course not. 

Israel is also in the crosshairs of Iran’s nuclear ambitions.  How many times have we heard they are within a few months of getting the enriched uranium to have a nuclear weapon?  This started years ago and the supposed timeline passed many times over.  Obama’s ‘deal’ lacked oversight anyway. 'Experts' currently claim they will have a missile deliverable nuclear warhead in 2 years.  It seems much more likely they already have some nuclear weapons now. 

They are buddies with the North Koreans who have already shown they have nuclear weapons.  With Obama's billions of $ given to Iran, you can bet Iran could have bought some, if they wanted.  Of course, a missile is not the only way to deliver such a weapon.  Airplanes, ships and even backpacks are quite capable of impacting us with such weapons.  The ability of a 'dirty bomb' is undeniable.   

The anger toward Trump and Christians is misplaced.  We have been in a unilaterally declared war with an enemy (foreign and domestic) who chose to hate us for religious purposes.  We need to be ready.  Democrat solutions will only make things worse as they have leading up to this point.  Unfortunately, Trump’s solutions are a no-win situation until the Mullahs are ultimately defeated. 

We watched 15 missiles fired at 2 airbases in Iraq and they apparently gave enough warning to largely protect our soldiers while accurately hitting their targets, perhaps.  Their ‘proportional’ response saved face and perhaps bought some time.  The attacks by proxies are likely to ramp up and at some time, the Mullahs will be ready to go all out with attacks from Iran.  Till then, with sleeper cells wreaking havoc on us in our home, our resolve and our ability to lay blame at the perpetrators and not our President and Christian citizens will be tested. 



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