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Impeach 45

Maxine Waters got her way.

Despite what many say, so did Nancy Pelosi and others.  Pelosi wasn't forced into this by the squad.  She is all in to save her own survival in Congress and possibly even jail.  No other reason makes sense for her to go as far as she has to get rid of Trump this close to the election and with poll ratings as favorable as they are for him.  She is dirty too. 

Democrats leaders have multiple traits.  These include doing evil, yes, evil.  They lie.  The truth is not in them.  As citizens, we must not allow them to manipulate us anymore, foolishly reacting to their lies.

They are committed to do wrong, despite long term negative consequences.  Those who support the Democrat leaders at best are not paying attention to facts, trusting the untrustworthy, and at worst, embrace the evil, often by willfully being deceived.  It really is this simple.

The Democrat party has embraced anti-Christian values and values against nature and nature's God.  As we were founded as a Christian nation, the Democrat values are also anti-constitutional, often cloaked in the loose, sophomoric and deceptive use of the term “constitutional”. 

Is this too harsh? 

All Democrat politicians have supported abortion on demand, killing millions of the ‘innocents’.  Their brazen legislative attempts extend to the time of birth and in some cases, full-fledged infanticide.  This fact by itself is the embodiment of evil. 

Virtually every progressive policy is helping destroy our country.  Their approach essentially takes away our God given rights as we lose our freedoms to an out of control pile of ill-conceived regulations.  We are smothered in overwhelming problems brought upon us, controlling us and make us beholding to these power hungry people enriching themselves at our expense.  Democrats cause division to bring about their utopian agenda.  People agreeing with their plans become pawns, always under the Democrat's thumb.

Their corruption as seen with the Clinton’s, Biden’s, and others has been protected by the unelected bureaucracy in the State Department, IRS, FBI and virtually all of the federal government.   We, the people need to take our government back, limiting their power to protecting the citizens.  Our founders did it, it is now our turn at bat.

Democrat’s have led the way to a financial system about to collapse.  Their power comes from the Federal Reserve’s license to print money that hasn’t been earned and in amounts that never can be paid back.  It didn’t have to be that way, but to buy votes with government dollars in ‘wonderful’ programs that never succeed, we have foolishly dug our own grave. 

This is also immoral.  Our children and perhaps the rest of us will pay for our failure to avoid debt.  It is immoral to set up a system that will ultimately cause so much damage for your own temporal benefit.

So they have committed to impeaching Trump since before he was elected since he is a threat to their world.  The House impeached him based on nonsense in an unfair spectacle that would have been thrown out if it were a courtroom with summary judgment and the prosecutors would be reprimanded.  Some day God Himself will dismiss them for their immoral behavior without repentance and Christ.

Proverbs 18:17  In a lawsuit the first to speak seems right, until someone comes forward and cross-examines.

Russian collusion is absurd.  Foreign governments, including Russia, all try to interfere with our elections as we have undoubtedly done in theirs.  This will not succeed if the people educate themselves on the issues and candidates, but ultimately each of us are accountable to God Himself for our vote and we will be judged by Him.  If a voter does not take their vote serious we end up with a government full of unconstitutional departments, bureaucrats and politicians that IS THE VOTER’S FAULT. As voters, we are each accountable for our own decision, no matter what someone else has said.  Don't blame the Russians and don't believe those blaming them.

Complaint after complaint has proven to be merely opinion.  Name the high crime or misdemeanor.  Trump hasn’t even jaywalked.  His interest in fixing corruption is part of his job as the head of the Executive branch of government.  It doesn’t matter if it is our former Vice President and his son, but concerns of their corruption is part of why Trump was hired by the people, to stop corruption and protect our interests and our funds.     

The coordinated onslaught to remove a president is illegal (unconstitutional) outside the boundaries laid out by the framers and is tantamount to a treasonous, orchestrated coup against our nation.  The oath is to defend the constitution from threats both foreign and domestic.  The Democrats lie when they take their oath and have become domestic threats to the constitution.  The liars filling the Democrat leadership, the news media and deep state employees (including  Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Struck, Page, Lois Lerner and many others) must be investigated and held accountable and punished for their crimes.  

If they did what all current evidence points at, the current justice system does not prosecute their crimes so they are opening up our nation to unrest, civil disobedience and even revolution with untold pain and suffering because the people understand basic fairness.  If I have to pay a fine for driving a bit over the speed limit, when they have tried to take out our President and negatively impacting our nation, the consequences must be high.  Their attempt to remove our president is a war on America, us.  It is similar to a foreign country invading us to take over our government and to control us.   It must be punished appropriately and if not, the people will follow the Declaration of Independence and overthrow the illegitimate government.  Let us pray it doesn't come to that.

Hillary Clinton, among many other things, lied about what caused the attack on Benghazi.  She and the Obama administration blamed a Christian refugee who had a made a video that was critical of Islam.  He was summarily arrested, imprisoned, his life was turned upside down as he was now subject of Fatwahs and his wife and children were threatened as well.  Of course it wasn’t true. Hillary, Rice and Obama didn't care.  They still lied.

How can Clinton, Obama, and Rice not be punished for the pain and suffering they willingly and with premeditation imposed on an innocent man and devastating his family who did them no harm? 

The high level of corruption of Pelosi, many Democrat politicians and also many Republican politicians is why they feel Trump must be removed, to protect themselves, while destroying our country.   The billions of dollars they have allocated into their own bank accounts must be punished.  This is why they are hell bent on getting rid of Trump and teaching others never to turn on them.  Trump knows this.

The Democrats are illegally stealing our country.  Are the Republicans going to stop them?

Trump’s impeachment has many consequences.  It sets a terrible precedent for future presidents and congresses, if it doesn’t tear our nation apart before hand.  It has negatively impacted his ability to work with leaders of other nations.  The Democrats are glad for this as Trump has changed the direction of their globalist agenda.  The same agenda that was not in our country’s best interest- according to the voters who put Trump in!  They work for us, right? Treasonous.  In the past, at least theoretically, politics stops at the water's edge.  Let the President handle foreign affairs, reflecting the people's will that elected him. 

Trump reflects the people.  Democrat’s attack (not just criticism) on him is an attack on us.  We must remove them from office.  They are destroying the rule of law by impeaching and trying Trump (starting tomorrow 1/21/2020) without just cause. 

Ask yourself, what would make the Democrats so angry and committed to removing Trump?  Exactly the thing Trump asked Zelensky in the Ukraine to look into, corruption and politicians stealing our money.  They would tolerate a Trump who allowed them to go about business as usual.  They stop at nothing to remove a president who will expose and hopefully punish them for their crimes.

Obstruction of congress and abuse of power-  for the Republican Senators, this is pure trash.  Should your president be under Nancy Pelosi and the State Department?  Never.  Give the Democrats no air to breathe.  Suck out the life of this monster that will destroy our constitution if the House's horrible fact finding mission of impeachment found nothing and that was with unfairness.  They deserve no further opportunity to manipulate the people in America, including you.  Pelosi failed and it should be slapped down as such.  Make her tuck her tail in shame as it deserves.  Don't play into the circus.  You are not worth being called the upper chamber if you don't smack this down and punish the bad guys.

Lies are not optional.  So solemn.  Made for TV march to the Senate. What nonsense.  Spank the House.  Make them not interested in coming back with another nonsensical impeachment as 'further information has come forward and he must be removed' after he wins this round.  You see, if you allow them to bring in more 'witnesses and evidence' than they already have on record, they will be emboldened to continue this masquerade and do it again.  They like being on TV and somber.

Just as a prediction, there is a high likelihood the Democrats and their puppetmasters will attempt to tank our economy before the election.  They will blame Trump and then blame the Christians who 'elected him'.  Without stopping this nonsense now, we will find ourselves persecuted as has happened in other countries. 

By the way, I didn't vote for Trump.  I could never vote for a Democrat. Corrupt Maxine Waters seems to be speaking for the Dems, ahead of the curve!

I care about fairness and I love our country that needs to repent before God.  Trump doesn't deserve this treatment.  Neither did the Christian who was blamed for Benghazi.  Neither did Kavanaugh with disgusting accusations.  I do appreciate much of what Trump has done.  Many of us will vote for him now.  May God lead him and protect him. 



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